Baton Rouge has one of the best park and recreation systems in the entire nation and you and your family can take advantage of that this summer. We're spending more time outdoors than ever now, and the beautiful greenspaces, trails, courts and courses make for an active and adventure day. Connect with nature, get your fitness on, and get to playing at one of these BREC parks and facilities.
Special Interest
These flagship BREC locations offer learning, exploration and fun outdoors for all interests and families. Go for a horseback ride, splash down a waterpark slide, see the stars, climb a rock wall and more!
1 Baton Rouge Zoo
2 Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center
3 Farr Park & Horse Activity Center
4 Highland Road Park Observatory
5 Liberty Lagoon
6 Perkins Road Extreme Sports Park
7 Knock Knock Children’s Museum
8 Cohn Arboretum
9 Baton Rouge Gallery
Golf Courses
Reserve a tee time today at one of Baton Rouge's golf courses. Top amenities, stunning natural landscaping meet value and excellent experiences at these BREC courses. The greater Baton Rouge area is also home to many courses on the famed Audobon Golf Trail.
10 Dumas Memorial Golf Course
11 Santa Maria
12 Beaver Creek
13 JS Clark
14 Webb Park
15 City-Brooks
Tennis Centers
Whether you're going for the Grand Slam or just looking for a fun competitive sport, try your luck on one of these tennis courts.
16 City-Brooks
17 Independence Park
18 Greenwood Park
19 Forest Community Park
20 Highland Road - there is also a splash pad, kayak launch and more here
Conservation Trails
Put on your walking shoes and venture through these parks and trails for the best display of our foliage and wildlife. From greenery, scenic views and bird watching of all kids, enjoy all you'll explore.
21 Blackwater Conservation Area
22 Frenchtown Road Conservation Area
23 Kendalwood Road Park
24 Manchac Park
25 Forest Community Park
26 Hooper Road Park
27 Comite River Park
Blueway Trails/Boat Launches
Baton Rouge's lakes, bayous, rivers and creeks make up BREC's "Blueways." Launch your boat, head for a paddle, drop a fishing line, or catch the sunset over these beautiful parks that feature south Louisiana's waterways.
28 Manchac Park
29 Highland Road
30 Greenwood Park
Dog Parks
We're one of the most dog-friendly cities and we love having furry friends in town. Bring your pup to one of these parks for a fun play date with new friends!
33 Zachary
34 Greenwood
35 City-Brooks/ Raising Cane's Dog Park
36 Burbank
37 Forest