Check out these amazing photos of Baton Rouge and decide for yourself if you think it really is one of the most beautiful cities in Louisiana. 

1. Welcome to Baton Rouge!

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Antrell Williams

2. One of the shining jewels of Louisiana…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Butterbean

3. … And if you’re ever not sure quite where you are…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Billy Metcalf Photography

4. Don’t worry, they’ll spell it out for you.

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Billy Metcalf Photography

5. Baton Rouge is known as The Capital City…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user bluepoint951

6. … and what a Capitol it is…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Corey Balazowich

7. Not that there was anything wrong with the original Capitol…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Ken Lund

8. Or its epic sidewalk fountains…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Erik Larson

9. But you have to admit that this is a pretty awesome sight.

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user bluepoint951

10. Only in Baton Rouge do boats speed past mushroom clouds in the sky…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Billy Metcalf Photography

11. On their way to dock at the coolest-looking pier ever.

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Ed Mousinho

12. But what’s really impressive is that Blue Bayou sky…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Mish Sukharev

13. and all that green grass to run around on…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Brad Armentor

14. … and you know, maybe win a few championships.

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Shoshanah

15. Some residents of Baton Rouge choose to appreciate their surroundings a bit more calmly…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Theodore Scott

16. … and with a bit more poise.

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Visit Baton Rouge Facebook

17. And some choose to take to the skies.

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user jayharp79

18. And really, who can blame them?

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Billy Metcalf Photography

19.It doesn’t matter what time of year you’re here…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Visit Baton Rouge Facebook

20. Or what time of day…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Billy Metcalf Photography

21.Because the beauty of Baton Rouge will always blow your mind.

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Billy Metcalf Photography

22.So get out there and see it…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Theodore Scott

23. Because every new day in this city is worth getting up early for…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Billy Metcalf Photography

24….every sunset worth watching…

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user getmahesh

25. And every night worth celebrating.

25 Photos Of Baton Rouge That Will Make You Want To Move There
Flickr user Billy Metcalf Photography

This article was originally posted by Movoto Blog, which is a business that 
reports on only the best places to live in the United States.

What do you think the most beautiful spot in Baton Rouge us? Tell us in the comments below!

Posted by: Julie Thomas, Visit Baton Rouge

Julie is the new Communication Intern for Visit Baton Rouge. Before relocating to Baton Rouge, Julie lived in Haughton, Louisiana and attended Louisiana State University in Shreveport where she graduated in May 2014 with a degree in public relations. She now attends LSU as a graduate student at the Manship School of Mass Communications. She loves reading, watching Law and Order, playing with her dog, traveling and exploring the amazing city of Baton Rouge. You can follow her on Instagram or on her personal blog