JULY 7, 2021
The Greater Baton Rouge State Fair announced today that the fair plans to return without any restrictions this October for its 55th event. After missing last year because of the covid virus, the fair will reopen on October 28th and run for 11 days until November 7th.
The fair will feature Swifty Swine Pig Racing, Pages Globe of Death Motorcycle thrill show, 4-H Livestock Shows, The Lego Build Competition, and Magician Tim Spinosa. Plans include a Cajun day, a Latino day, Chubby Carrier, the Justin McLain Project, and other exciting entertainment daily on the main stage and much more.
Fair chairman Cliff Barton said that fairgoers will once again taste that great fair food and be able to ride all the rides on the largest midway in south Louisiana. It is a once a year memorable experience.
The fair is operated by an all-volunteer staff and the proceeds from the fair continue to be returned to the community by the Baton Rouge State Fair Foundation in the form of scholarships, awards, and grants to non-profit organizations involved with children. These donations recently surpassed the 4.2 million dollar mark.
Fairs across the country are reopening this year and the support in every community has been outstanding according to Marla Calico, CFE, President of the International Association of Fairs and Exhibitions. This great support is what allows the fair to continue to make a difference in Baton Rouge each year.
The members of the Greater Baton Rouge State Fair invite the public to come out and “Make a memory that will last a lifetime.”