It’s been just about a month and a half since the New Year started. How have you been keeping up with your resolutions? If you’re like me, you probably resolved something along the lines of being more active. Luckily, the city of Baton Rouge is a runner’s paradise. Ask any local! Whether you run downtown, the Garden District or the University lakes, you are sure to see at least one, if not multiple, runners passing by. Here's a few ways to delve into the local running scene:
Join a running club:
What better way than to run with a support system of other runners? If you’re interested in joining one of the many clubs in the city, do your research so that you find the one that is just right for you. The great part about joining a running club is that it can be so much more than just running. Many of the local clubs encourage camaraderie with group runs throughout the week, social gatherings and more.
Photo Credit: Club South Runners
Find a buddy and map out different city routes each week:
One of the biggest complaints people tend to have about running is that, after a while, it can become boring. No need to fear, you can make it an adventure! Grab a running buddy and map out different areas to try each week. The change of scenery will keep your running routine fresh, and it’s a great way to go sight-seeing around the city for free.
Photo Credit: Visit Baton Rouge
Train for a race:
It seems that within the past few years, races have become the “thing” to do. I know a few people who ran the Louisiana Half-Marathon last month, and they all agreed that the feeling of accomplishment you get after completing a race is unlike anything else. Whether you are starting out with a 5K, or training for a marathon, there are a variety of races you can sign up for. Eager to get out there and go? Here a few upcoming races:
Photo Credit: The Color Run
     March 16th, St. Patrick’s Day 3.17
     April 19th, The Color Run
Still unsure about how to approach running in the Red Stick? Just leave your home and get going! It's as simple as that.
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Cathy Juarez, Communications Intern
Cathy is the Communications Intern for Visit Baton Rouge. She's a New Orleans girl, born and raised, yet she has fallen in love with Baton Rouge throughout her time at LSU. Cathy will be graduating in May and hopes to continue promoting tourism in Louisiana. She loves good company, good food and a good time. Geaux Tigers and Who Dat!
Follow Cathy on Twitter @cathy_juarez.