A message from Visit Baton Rouge’s President & CEO:
I stand in unity with Visit Baton Rouge’s Board of Directors, our community leaders, and Black Destination Industry Leaders across the country that have come together to recognize the injustice and racism that we as a nation and a community have tolerated for far too long.
We stand against silence and are among the Destination Marketing Organizations that will be open to visitors of all races, ethnicities, orientations and religions with their safety in mind. As a nation, we have not taken action against racism and instituted positive change and we recognize that we can and must do better.
As brothers and sisters in this community, and within the tourism industry we are committed to joining together to see long lasting change happen. Visit Baton Rouge will not tolerate racism in any form and will work to support our community leaders in creating and implementing effective change to improve our city.
Each day our staff and local hospitality partners strive to make Baton Rouge a world class destination known for its hospitality and welcoming atmosphere. We recognize as an industry welcoming visitors, that we need to continually take action to ensure that we are inclusive of all people and provide a safe and friendly environment for all.
For a list of black owned businesses you can support in Baton Rouge, please visit www.visitbatonrouge.com
Paul Arrigo, CDME
President & CEO, Visit Baton Rouge